Dental Care

By three years of age, 80% of dogs and cats show signs of dental disease. A professional dental cleaning may be needed to eliminate excessive plaque build-up or to extract infected teeth. For pets, these cleanings are considered surgical procedures because they are performed under general anesthesia.

The use of anesthesia allows dental procedures to be performed with less stress and allows us to do a full exam under the gumline where the most dental disease occurs.

Signs Of Dental Disease

Signs of dental disease to name a few, include visible calculus, bad breath, broken/loose teeth, and reluctance to eat. A dental prophy with dental radiographs helps to identify and treat problems that might not be visible above the gumline.

There is a saying that no two teeth should ever occupy the space of one. When the baby teeth don’t fall out to make way for the permanent teeth, they are called retained deciduous teeth. Extraction is recommended to avoid potential dental problems (overcrowding in the mouth, plaque buildup, malocclusion, etc.).

Dental Prophylaxis
Dental Radiology
Deciduous Teeth Extraction

There is a saying that no two teeth should ever occupy the space of one. When the baby teeth don’t fall out to make way for the permanent teeth, they are called retained deciduous teeth. Extraction is recommended to avoid potential dental problems (overcrowding in the mouth, plaque buildup, malocclusion, etc.).

affordable dental care for dogs

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During Your Pet's Dental Appointment

Just like when you visit the dentist, your pet will receive dental x-rays, a full oral exam, ultrasonic scaling, and polishing. If problems are identified, they will be treated and/or referred to a dental specialist.

You will be given personalized surgical discharge instructions at the time of pick up your pet. However, here is some general aftercare information.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Friday - Sunday: Closed